Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cobble Hill Congresswoman shines

Amidst the rush of the holidays, we never got to post this little gem....
I caught a tweet from @SailorX, a Capitol Hill producer for NBC News, who said Fox News was reporting Cobble Hill's own congressional rep Nydia Velaquez was the very last member to come in and vote on the 9-11 first responders' health care bill. Why wasn't our rep one of the very first to come and vote for such a critical NYC issue? Was she simply taking her time for no reason? Absolutely not...

"Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY) was the last member to come in and vote....just before they closed it around 5:38 pm. She was wearing sweat pants and New Balance track shoes, no coat and crying. I asked her why it was so important for her to come back.

"I was torn between two important things that I care about," Velazquez said fighting back tears. "My mother and the 9-11 responders."

Velazquez says her 90-year-old mother is in San Juan and suffering from bleeding ulcers. Velazquez said her plane landed at 5:20 pm and she came directly to the Capitol to vote. She will return to Puerto Rico tomorrow morning." (Read more:

If you'd like to reach out and thank the Congresswoman directly, visit her website for contact info.

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