Wednesday, February 11, 2009

take advantage of LICH

One of our complaints about the management of LICH has been that they don't get the word out about either the services they offer or the high quality of those services. With all the news reports about financial uncertainty, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that LICH is still an excellent hospital with the same range of services that it offered a year ago.

With that in mind, we have offered to help LICH get the word out about their positive news as well. Here is a notice from LICH about a free community education workshop series about diabetes:
Diabetes is on the rise in the US, largely due to lifestyle choices. Long Island College Hospital (LICH) of Brooklyn, in conjunction with the Dodge YMCA at Atlantic Avenue, is hosting a community education workshop series about diabetes. The sessions include use of medication, foot care, new technology, counting carbs, glucose monitoring, type I diabetes vs. type II and more. Registration is required, but the sessions are free to the community.

WHAT: Community education workshop series about diabetes.
WHEN: 1.00 to 2.30 p.m. on
Tuesday, February 10,
Tuesday, February 17,
Tuesday, February 24.
WHERE: Dodge YMCA, 225 Atlantic Avenue, Classroom B (second level).

Info/Registration: Sara Reyes, Dodge YMCA, 212-912-2421, sreyes [at]

Diabetes Self-Management Education: Brooklyn has some of the highest rates of diabetes in the state. If untreated or poorly controlled, diabetes can have devastating health consequences. Research has shown that controlling the blood glucose levels help neutralize the risk of health complications from diabetes. There have been many recent advances in diabetes management from better understanding the role of diet to development of new medications/insulins and high-tech devices. Come learn about diabetes management and self-management. This weekly three session work shop will provide a comprehensive overview of the diabetes and instruction in the self-management tasks that will allow people with diabetes to be in the best position to work with their HealthCare provider to help assure optimum diabetes management.

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