Neighborhood Projects

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Comptroller Town Hall

Wednesday, January 26th, NYC's Comptroller will be visiting Brooklyn for a town hall session regarding audits. Many find the thought of an personal audit frightening, but the Comptroller is not out to check your records, he's there to check the city's. The Comptroller is the city's chief financial officer and during the town hall will discuss ways citizens can make suggestions for needed audits of city agencies and departments.

For more info, check the flyer below or read the press release on Comptroller Liu's website.

Jan 26th, 6-8 pm
The Brooklyn Public Library
Dweck Center for Contemporary Culture
10 Grand Army Plaza at Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Electronics Recycling Event

We've had some great e-waste events in Cobble Hill, but today is one just a few blocks farther in Prospect Park.  Sunday, January 16, 2011, 10am to 4pm, Prospect Park entrance at PPW & 3rd Street.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

BK Bridge Park CAC meeting

Tuesday, January 11th @ 6pm is the 2nd meeting of the Brooklyn Bridge Park Community Advisory Council.

Why is such a meeting important?....because this CAC is made of local politicians and community reps working in conjunction with the Brooklyn Bridge Park Development Corp. The Brooklyn Bridge Development Corp itself will be deciding a crucial issue for our neighborhood - will there be additional housing in our local park?

The Cobble Hill Association stands firmly by the opinion... NO! We want NO additional housing built in the Park and urge the committee to consider any of the many other revenue raising ideas such as potential revenues from the sale of the Watchtower buildings, more concessions, including food and fine dining, and fee-based recreational facilities. A park with housing is simply someone's nice backyard. We want to see a park that is the equal and open backyard for ALL of Brooklyn.

Bk Bridge Park CAC Meeting
1-11-11 @ 6pm
St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights
The meeting is open to the public.

Please attend and voice opinions if allowed.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cobble Hill's anniversary

Postings will be less frequent during this holiday weekend, so instead fulfill your intrigue for neighborhood info with a throwback to the Brooklyn Eagle's December 30th article recapping Cobble Hill's 42 anniversary as a historic district... what's kept its layout and look so desirable for all these years.
Illustration courtesy of Brooklyn Historical Society

On Dec. 30, 1969, one of Brooklyn’s most desirable residential neighborhoods was designated an historical district. It is a community of modest row houses, handsome churches and some historically important model tenements developed primarily during the mid-19th century. It retains the character of that period to a surprising degree....