Heights and Hills Survey
Is your neighborhood “senior friendly”? If you live in Cobble Hill, there is a lot of interest in the answer. Heights and Hills, a long established agency supporting Brooklyn’s older adults, has received a planning grant from the NYS Office for the Aging to identify what resources exist and what is missing that seniors want that would allow them to remain in their homes as they get older. In the process of developing livable communities for seniors, all ages will benefit.
What is unique about this project is that it is senior-driven grassroots model and not top-down imposed. The members of the Steering Committee, recommended by civic organizations and the two community boards in the neighborhoods of interest, are seniors themselves who are involved in their communities and think constructively and globally. They are the active working group and they have designed a survey that is ready to be distributed. The goal is to have as many residents ages 55 and older fill it out.
If you want to take the survey online, go to <http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5XRYTDQ>